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I started working at The Dana Point Marina as a Manager in April 2003. I met Joseph Travers the first month I was there. He came into the office to pay his rent and shared that he was a Christian. I then shared that I too was a Christian and was separated from my husband, Dennis Fisher. I explained that we had been separated for approximately a year and 2 months, and had filed for a divorce. Mr. Travers then asked me if I had read Corinthians 7.

I explained I had not. He then shared his views on divorce and how the Bible speaks against divorce. I was listening but was not ready to hear what the Bible had to say as my husband and I were not getting along at all.

I was at the time sharing my friendship with a man who called himself a Christian pastor, counselor and I told Mr. Travers about the unusual relationship that I had with this man. Mr. Travers explained how wrong it was for a married woman to have such a close relationship with another male.

On several occasions Mr. Travers would frequent the office just to witness Jesus to me and give me chapters to read from the Bible regarding my situation. I still was hesitant as I was sure I was going to get divorced.

One Saturday, I took my pastor friend to church with me. Mr. Travers was there and I introduced the two. The next day Mr. Travers came to the office to tell me God had laid it on his heart that my friend was not good influence and even asked if he had a drug problem, (which he did). I never told Mr. Travers this so you can imagine how shocked I was; my friend was addicted to all kinds of prescription drugs and was always fighting a battle that was unsuccessful. As time went on I continued my friendship with this man who called himself a drug and alcohol counselor and pastor, thinking he was helping me spiritually.

Mr. Travers was persistent, coming into the office on a daily basis referring me to Bible scripture, which by this time, I was finally reading. It took Mr. Travers approximately thirteen months of constant calls to me and even coming to my home to counsel me. By this time Mr. Travers had met my husband and now started ministering to him regarding divorce.

I let my job in February 2004 due to a fall and gave Mr. Travers my phone number. He, to my surprise, called frequently to see how I was doing. By this time I had moved in with my pastor friend and was totally convinced by this friend that our relationship was of God and he would even say God talked to him in answers to prayers confirming we were blessed. I told Mr. Travers of this and he then advised me to move out of his home and either be alone or go back to my home with my husband and start praying alone and wait for God’s answers.

I did. I did not share this with my friend as he always said he would pray and give me answers before I could get God’s word. I figured he is a pastor, so, of course, he would be right. To my surprise and shock, I was convicted by God on Sunday June 20, 2004. I knew this was of God because all of a sudden everything Mr. Travers had said was laid on my heart. I quickly opened the Bible to all the places Mr. Travers had told me to read for all those months and sure enough, he was right. I was wrong. I quickly packed all my belongings, called my husband, who by now was thoroughly done with me and said, “I am coming home, we need to talk.” His response shocked me. He had been doing a study in Ephesians chapter five regarding husbands and what God wants them to be in a marriage. My husband explained that God convicted him the Wednesday before in church for not reading in the Bible with me. Later, he also explained that a lot of what Mr. Travers had told him in the few times they talked all came back to him too. Now remember, I was positive I no longer loved my husband, or, could bear to live with him again.

I returned home on that Sunday. Today is July 18, 2004 and my husband has cancelled the divorce and studies the Bible with me everyday as Mr. Travers told him he should have been doing all along. We now pray together and attend church regularly. I believe if God had not sent Mr. Travers, I would be divorced today and living a life of sin. I can only thank God for bringing Mr. Travers to me when he did and that Mr. Travers was persistent on trying to get my husband and myself to reconcile.

Today I am a happily married woman to the man I married thirty-three years ago. Thank you Joseph Travers for all you did for my husband and me. I repay you through prayer that God will bless you as he has my husband and me through you.

Devonne Fisher

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